Monday, November 21, 2011

A Much Needed Break

My first final is in two weeks from today.  Majorly Slightly panicking about that.  But for some reason I decided that this past weekend was a good time to be lazy.  I'm not sure if it's the short week this week or all of the random activities I had scheduled over the weekend, but I was very unproductive.  I've learned that when your body says you're done.  You're done.  So I tried not to feel too guilty and instead enjoyed a little bit of down time before the gauntlet that is finals.  And I've been getting up at 5:30am to outline for the past week, so that earns me some extra time to sleep and watch excessive amounts of cooking tv, right?  Right.

But the highlight of my weekend was the Margarita Ball on Saturday night.  It's a charity event hosted by the Dallas Margargita Society that involved ball gowns, black ties, dancing, and copious amounts of margaritas.  So I scrubbed off the law school grime, shaved my legs (for once), and tried to act like a normal human being.  Pretty fantastic evening.

And Thanksgiving is this week!  Hope you had a lovely weekend too!


Abby said...

Aw you look gorgeous!
I am major impressed with your outlining dedication. I have been having the hardest time focusing, and I'm just hoping the studying I so will be enough!

SummerBreeze said...

Thank you lovely lady!

I'm sure you will do fantastic in finals! You're almost done with your first 1L semester!!!

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